Sebastian Feydt

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Sebastian Feydt studied Protestant theology at the University of Leipzig and completed a special vicariate in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. After his vicariate, he became pastor at the Ev.- Luth. Bethlehemgemeinde in Leipzig in 1995. From 2007 until the end of 2020, he was pastor at the Frauenkirche and managing director of the Stiftung Frauenkirche Dresden. Here he did programmatic work on building up the peace and reconciliation work as an open citizens' church perceived worldwide and developed new, international cultural offerings in cooperation with the Staatsschauspiel and the Semperoper Dresden as well as the Dresden Music Festival.

Sebastian Feydt regularly publishes articles in Predigtstudien, Kreuzverlag as well as Gottesdienst-Praxis and Gütersloher Verlagshaus.